Friday, November 27, 2015

Literacy activity: Procedure Writing

Dear Parents/Guardians,

In the next couple of days, your child will be starting a Procedure Writing Unit. One of

the tasks in this unit is shared procedural writing. Your child will work together to come up with

a list of procedures. I would like to try and create fun ways for the students to learn new

concepts and we are very lucky that the holiday season is coming up. For this activity, each

table group will be given a gingerbread house kit with no instructions. They will then have to

work together as a group to come up with a list of procedures for how to create the perfect

gingerbread house.

We would gladly take donations from parents to subsidize  the cost of a gingerbread

house kit ($2-3 per students). Any and all donations will be greatly appreciated.  Students will

not be eating the houses; however, it is a nut free kit. If you have any questions or concerns

about this activity, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Social Studies: Mrs. Ferrari's Presentation

On November 18th, Mrs. Ferrari visited us to share her experience and knowledge about First Nations (Iqaliuit). We had a chance to see the "real" Norval Morrisseau's art work, a soap stone carvings done by First Nations artists, a leather pair of moccasins (made by animal hides). We also got to smell sage that was used at the Sweat Lodge ceremony, and watched interesting short video about Iqaluit's life. 
Thanks to Ms. Ferrari for the visit!! 

Social Studies: Field trip to Gardiner Museum

On November 16th, grade 3 students visited Gardiner Museum. In the morning, we attended presentation about First Nations and we took a tour of the museum as we reviewed different types of glasswares that were designed during 1700s to 1800s. Also, there was a special installation by Kent Monkman who is a First Nations artist of Cree and Irish ancestry. In the afternoon, we got to create an animal sculpture out of clay with a ceramic artist! We had so much fun!!

Literacy: Making Connections

In literacy, we have been learning about Making Connections. We started by discussing how we all have different life experiences, memories and how the story of our life will help us to understand the story that we are reading. 
We also read couple stories together and wrote a paragraph about Making Connections. 
There were several things that needed to be included in the paragraph:
1. The title of a book and author's name
2. Identify the connection (Text to Text, Text to Self, Text to World)
3. Restate the part of the text with a page number from the book 
4. Explain the connection in detail 
5. Explain how making connection helped to understand the text better 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Remembrance Day Presentation

Our class put together a video presentation and a beautiful art work for the Remembrance day assembly today.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Scholastic : Online orders

You can order Scholastic books online. You will be able to view the catalogues and pay it with your credit card. Please visit below website for more information.

Math Unit Test: Place Value

Grade 3: Place Value Study Guide

Test Date: _November 12th 2015______________________

Students should have an understanding of the following:
  • Composing and decomposing 3-digit numbers (i.e. 456 is 4 hundred, 5 tens, 6 ones... 5 hundreds, 7 tens and 9 ones is 579)
  • Standard name: 389; Base ten name: 3 hundreds, 8 tens, 9 ones
  • Showing numbers in different ways (i.e. 45 can be shown as 4 tens and 5 ones or 3 tens and 15 ones)
  • Comparing numbers (i.e. 57 > 40... Read as: 57 is greater than 40)
  • Rounding numbers to the nearest ten or hundred (i.e. Round 678 to the nearest ten: 680)
  • Show numbers using an exact amount of block (e.g., show 235 using exactly 19 blocks)

*For extra practice students can visit and play the games under the “Numbers” section

Field Trip to Gardiner Museum

On Monday, November 16, 2015, our Grade 3 students will be visiting the Gardiner Museum. This field trip relates to our Social Studies Unit on Heritage and Identity as well as Visual Arts unit. At the Gardiner Museum, students will be participating in several activities (i.e., the Native North America: slide presentation, artifact handling, and follow up activities) and a tour of the gallery (Kent Monkman's temporary installation). In the afternoon, students will work with a ceramic artist and create a sculpture out of clay.

We will be departing Pleasantville P.S. at 9:00 a.m. and returning by 3:00 p.m. The cost of this trip is $25.00 per student, which includes a full day program at the Gardiner Museum ($15), and bus fees ($10.00).

Students are required to bring a lunch (nut free). Please do not send any money with your child. Students must bring a shoe box with them to take their art creations home. If you would like to volunteer, please indicate your interest below. Volunteers will be chosen on a first come first serve basis, and due to limited space in the school bus, volunteers will need to drive to the Gardiner Museum.

We kindly ask that you return this permission slip no later than Wednesday, November 11, 2015.

You can visit this website for more information about the museum.

November Newsletter

It is hard to believe how fast the first two months of school have flown by!  Our class has spent a lot of time getting to know each other and developing independence around procedures and routines. Students are now familiar with many of the classroom procedures and expectations.  They are now working on making good learning choices, such as choosing good learning spots on the carpet and finding quiet learning spaces to do their best work.

Our school agenda is a great communication tool between home and school.  Each day, students write in their Agenda to inform you of happenings in the school, notes sent home and to remind themselves of homework to be completed and returned.
Please remember to read and sign the Agenda each night.  If you read that a certain item (homework, note etc.) has been “sent home” and you do not see it in your child’s Agenda or bag, don’t hesitate to write me a note in the Agenda saying you did not receive it so I will know to send it the next day.

Please make sure you read the Agenda each night and sign to show you’ve seen it.  Please remove any notes or homework sent home to help make your child’s Agenda easier to manage.  I do check Agendas each morning but it is a good idea to write that you’ve sent something in to ensure I receive it. You could also check the class blog for additional resources and class updates.

Since our program is in full swing, I thought it would be helpful to have a summary of when things go home and when they are due back:

Spelling sent home

Share-A-Text Due
Return Reading Bag
Share-A-Text sent home
Reading Bag
sent home

Spelling Check-In

Additional homework will be sent home in other subject areas.  Please return this homework the following day unless another date has been indicated.  If more time is needed for a certain task, please write a note in the agenda indicating that your child needs more time.  

All folders should be returned daily, as we will be adding work to them regularly.

Grades 3s are expected to complete approximately 30 minutes of homework each night. If no homework is indicated, please spend this time reading (book bag, share-a-text or a library book).  If your child is spending well over 30 minutes completing the assigned homework, please let the teacher know.

We have been working on sentences since the start of the school year and we are beginning to work on paragraphs. Students are also working on generating ideas and adding details and expanding on their ideas to make their writing more interesting and clear.  Students will continue to work on improving their spelling and conventions throughout the year including, using appropriate spaces in between words, appropriate use of upper and lowercase letters and adding punctuation.  

Literacy centres have now begun in our classrooms.  Students will be rotating through different centres that allow them to practice their reading and writing skills as well as guided reading with the teacher.  

Book bags have started to go home.  Students are encouraged to read the book several times to build fluency and comprehension.  Students should keep reading the book until the story becomes familiar and their reading is fluent.  If you find that your child could benefit from keeping the book for another week, please write me a note in the agenda to let me know.  If you find the book is consistently too easy, please let me know.  Keep in mind comprehension is also a factor when deciding your child’s reading level.  Please ask your child to tell who and what the story was about.

We have now begun our unit on number sense.  Students have been using tools to represent, add, subtract and compare numbers including hundreds chart, number lines and tens and ones blocks. We will be moving into addition and subtraction and students will start using iPad Apps to practice adding and subtracting. Students will be learning some mental math strategies to help them recognize and solve simple math questions. Students should be aware of their doubles facts (e.g. 8+8  16). We will then be moving into 3-digit addition and subtraction.

Students have signed up for a prodigy account at school.  This is a fun way for students to practice math skills at their level.  From time to time, students will receive assignments on their prodigy accounts for them to work on at school. Prodigy will provide the teacher with data after the completion of their assignment.  Please note that prodigy is free, but there are some features of the game that can be purchased.  Students understand that paid features are not needed to enjoy the game.

We have recently completed our unit on forces. Students have learned that forces such as pushes and pulls, gravity, friction, buoyancy and magnetism all effect the movement of objects. They learned about the importance of safety devices and how they relate to the impact of forces as well as how forces in nature impact the natural and built environments (e.g., lightning).

Social Studies
In Social Studies, students started to learning about Early Settlers and First Nations as part of Heritage and Identity unit. Students will be learning about some issues, and challenges faced by Early Settlers, as well as conflicts between First Nations and Early Settlers. We will also discuss how an Early Settlers life was different than our current life.

Scholastic Orders
Scholastic flyers will be sent home regularly to provide your family opportunities to purchase books. Scholastic offers a selection of reading material that appeals to children and allows parents to choose books that are age appropriate.  Reading levels are included in the flyers to help parents choose books that might be a good fit for your child.  When you order from scholastic our class will earn rewards allowing me to purchase books and materials for our classroom.  Please only send in cheques for your Scholastic orders, as cash is not accepted. You can also view catalogues online and place an order online.

We are a nut free school and we ask parents to check the ingredients of all food items being sent to school.  Please take the time to examine food ingredients to help keep our classroom safe for all students.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Math: Apps for iPad

Apps for iPad

Here are the Apps that will be used in the Math class starting next week (November 12th).
These Apps are free to download. Please download them before November 12th.

1. Show Me
2. Math Tappers (Practice Adding and Subtracting) - This can be searched under “iPhone” apps, but can be downloaded on iPads.
Image result for math tappers app
3. Prodigy (Math game)
Image result for prodigy math  app
4. Thinking Blocks Addition
Image result for thinking blocks app
5. Sushi Monster (Adding and Subtracting game)

Image result for sushi monster app