Saturday, September 5, 2015

Welcome to Ms. Kwak's class!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to another exciting year at Pleasantville Public School!  My name is Jasmin Kwak and I have the pleasure of teaching your child for the 2015 – 2016 school year.

This year, your child will have Ms. Neumann for Health and Physical Education, Ms. Mangat for music, and Ms. Bekiaris for Drama and Dance class. I will teach all other subjects in room 141. All of your child’s teachers will be working together to ensure your child has a successful year. 

I am counting on parental support to help your child adjust to their new grade. The single most important tool available to your child to ensure success is the agenda. I believe in a strong partnership between the student, their parents and the school.  To help keep you informed, I would appreciate if you could please review and sign the agenda nightly.  Also, on most Fridays, students will bring home a “Go Home” folder that will contain any returned work, notes from teachers and self-evaluation sheets.  Returning the folder each week and signing the agenda will ensure that you are kept up to date on your child’s progress and successes.  You can also access our class website at for information and important deadlines. 

Our class is scheduled for gym every Day 4 and Day 5. It is essential that all children wear appropriate clothes and footwear in order to participate fully in the gym program. To prepare for the winter weather, please ensure that your child brings indoor shoes everyday. In addition, I will provide school supplies, such as pencils, erasers, duo tangs, and etc. Binders and dividers are optional but highly recommended to help organize your child’s schoolwork.

If you have any books or any type of games (i.e. board games, card games.. appropriate for grade 3 students) that students can enjoy during an indoor recess period at home that you wish to donate to our classroom library, it will be so helpful for our students. 

Thank you in advance for your support in establishing a strong start to the 2015 school year.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me through your child’s agenda or by voice-mail at 905-884-7431, extension 141.

We are still a growing school and your child has the unique opportunity to make meaningful and lasting contributions to the school culture.  I’m looking forward to a great year! 


Ms. Kwak